ACES - No School Day Camps

Ready for Heaps of No-School Day Fun?

Register Here!

ACES stands for: Activities Create Excitement on No-School Days!

ACES day camps are hosted on no-school days for the Corvallis school district that OSU is still in session. Each day is filled with a broad range of activities, from interactive classes to gymnastics and team games, like a miniature day of KidSpirit Summer Day Camp! From bowling, basketball and gymnastics, to cooking, arts & crafts, campus field trips and more, there's a time slot to excite every child on an ACES day!

Whether your child is a budding artist, athlete, or scientist, we have a day of learning and fun ready for all! ACES gives your child a chance to grow in a safe place, build positive friendships, and engage in stupendously fun activities led by our passionate KidSpirit staff. We can't wait to see you!


2024-25 ACES Day Camp Schedule

Winter: January 30 & 31, February 17, March 14

Spring: April 17 & 18





Registration Cost

$90 Full-Day (8:30am - 4:30pm)
$55 Half-Day AM or PM (8:30am - 12pm or 1pm - 4:30pm)

Extra Care Add-Ons

+ $10, + 12pm-1pm Lunch Care for half-day

(note: NO lunch food program at ACES - please bring a sack lunch.)

+ $10, + 7:30am - 8:30am Pre-Care

+ $15, + 4:30pm - 5:45pm After-Care

We offer scholarships.

Class and pick-up location

Check-in and check-out takes place in the backyard of Langton Hall: the grassy bark mulch area between Langton, Waldo Hall and Goss Stadium. If you can't find us, come to the KidSpirit Office in Langton 125 and someone will help you. If you need to pick up a camper early please call us ahead of time, and we'll have your child in the KidSpirit office for early check out.


Anyone picking up a child must be in their authorized pick-up lists, and must present a valid physical photo ID at check-out. Authorized pick-ups have their name on the child’s list of guardians, emergency contacts or additional pick-ups.


Visit our parking page for useful info!

What to bring and wear

Children should bring a backpack with a water bottle, snacks, a sack lunch if staying for lunch, and sunscreen if necessary. Since all children get the chance to participate in gymnastics at our ACES days, please try to send  your child in athletic clothes without buttons, zippers and metal, to protect our equipment. Long hair should be pulled back and jewelry should be removed. Wear close toed shoes.

NOTE: We do not allow electronic devices (phones, video games, etc.).

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