Blogs - Gymnastics

Safety On and Off the Mat by Daisy

Gymnastics is a lot of fun.  However, it can also be very dangerous when you don't stop to consider safety.  Check out these tips to have both in and outside of the gymnastics room!  Read More

5 Gymnastic Tips by Buttercup

Do you ever wonder what to do between gymnastic practices?  Well, check out Buttercups 5 tips to help get your athlete ready!  Read More

The Importance of Stretching with Tiger

Stretching is something that virtually everyone knows is important, and knows the basics of, but rarely is it ever done enough. Coming from a long gymnastics background, I suppose I am an exception to the average level of flexibility, but I do believe that a person who does not stretch as extensively as I used to can still be flexible. Stretching does come with a few tips:  Read More

Exercise and YOU by Tiger

 All of us want to get better at exercising, but nearly all of us hate doing it. We have this incredible fantasy of being in shape, running for miles, busting out pull-ups easily, and yet we constantly make excuses about... Read More

Kona and Lulu's five favorite stretches 

Not all of us are naturally born as flexible as the gymnasts we see on TV. Most of us have to work really hard just to reach our toes, but being flexible and stretching regularly helps you feel lively and stay injury free.  Read More