Wellness Camps & Workshops

Thriving together with Coummunity Mental Health Resources

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Welcome to KidSpirit's Wellness Series!

KidSpirit will be hosting a variety of wellness camps and workshops, because we know the world can be tough sometimes. Mental health is an important focus, even for youth. Our workshops will focus on many areas of wellness, like processing emotions, movement and meditation, caring for yourself, staying connected in community and more.

Read on for information on upcoming Camps and Workshops!


Slade Thackeray

SPARROW Professional Development and Counseling Center Staff

Cultivating Hope: a one-day creative therapy workshop

Activities Create Excitement on No-School Day

Being a kid is hard, and current events have made it even harder.  OSU KidSpirit is partnering with SPARROW Professional Development and Counseling Center for a half-day workshop on February 13, 2022, from 1:00 to 4:00, focused on cultivating hope and giving young people something to believe in again. We will use storytelling, movement, and games to process all the feelings related to COVID and other world events – feelings like anxiety, anger, sadness, and fatigue.



Using best practices in group and dramatic therapies, participants will call on movement, storytelling, and talk therapy to examine the self and begin the process of understanding the mental/emotional impact of COVID-19 and other civil events of 2020 and 2021.

*Optional sharing event at the end where participants can share with friends, family and peers the short vignettes, monologues, or pieces they developed over the workshop.



● students will have the opportunity to process grief, anxiety, fatigue and other emotions.

● students to experience a deeper sense of community and connection.

● students to find opportunities for emotional relief and healing.

● students to find hope and energy to persist in the face of an ever-changing social-emotional landscape


Content / Concepts / Knowledge:

● Participants will practice and develop emotional awareness through creative activities.

● Participants will explore concepts of belonging and being enough.

● Participants will normalize feelings regarding COVID-19 and related issues.

Age Group

Dates and Time

What's Included

Ages: 11 - 14

February 13, 2022

1:00 - 4:00pm

Group/Talk Therapy/Art Therapy/Movement/Drama Therapy

Classes will be held on Langton Hall Room 127

Thank you to our partners